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Updated: Apr 10, 2023

Play is essential for learning.

From animals in the wild to our children in the 'wilds' of the playground, learning through active, sometimes messy play is critical for healthy development.

From building fine motor skills, confidence, learning how the world works, social skills and just simply feeling loved and happy.

As parents and care givers, we sometimes face the difficult choice of allowing our children to play freely or just play cleanly.

Worrying about the mess they will create in their surroundings and on their clothes.

We watch them like a lion stalking it's prey. Watching, waiting, ready to pounce and stop them from having too much fun in an effort to save the shirt or that white top from getting ruined forever.

After all, things aren't cheap and money doesn't grow on trees, right.

As a father of two growing and very creative daughters, I faced these same challenges.

I found my self lurking in the shadows, ready to stop that spill during food time and play time.

After all, I did the laundry and I learnt that fun for them was sweat and hard work for me come laundry time.

The grave yard of stained clothes, sneakily discarded when the effort of resurrection was too great, was growing.

Soon, my wife would start asking questions about the limited options of clothes in the daycare bag.

Dead men tell no tales but an empty clothes drawer does a lot of screaming.

What if we could free ourselves of the worry and burden of deciding STAIN vs STAY-IN.

How much more would our little princesses flourish and thrive in a truly free environment?

How much money would we be saving on buying less replacements?

They say ask and you shall receive.

I did ask and the delivery was accepted with open arms.

Now my girls can place in peace, and I am at peace.

Check out this video to see the amazing results after a couple hours soaking in hot water.

Allow your kids to play free, contact us with "No Stains" as your subject and get yours today!

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